Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 20: Hoover Dam and LA

Lake Mead, Nevada
 Sunday, August 22

Hoover Dam
Not a whole lot of details to go into for this day.  After lunch, Mark headed back toward San Diego while Tom and I drove over to Hoover Dam, around 30 miles east of Vegas.  We got stuck in some traffic about 5 miles outside of the entrance because they have an "inspection" stop point.  This really just involved a man pretending to look at your car from the outside and then waving you along, but it still slowed things down considerably.  We did the full guided tour of the dam which was really cool.  We got to see different parts inside, and then also get to peer out from inside of it.  Afterward we walked along the top of it and even further away from California by crossing back into Arizona.  The views from the area were really nice, but it was pretty brutally hot out (something like 110 degrees), so we cooled off by looking at some exhibits in the visitor center.

More Hoover Dam
Around 4:30ish we decided to head out.  The GPS said we'd make it to LA in about 4 hours but we figured we could make it under 3.5.  We were wrong.  Lesson learned is to never drive from Vegas to LA on a Sunday.  It took us 8.5 hours making this the longest drive of my entire road trip, and we didn't get to LA until 1 am (making it Day 21, and a full 3 week trip I suppose).  We only made one stop for dinner at Jack in the Box (we counted 12 of them on our drive from Vegas, so we decided we had to stop at one of them).  I felt bad because I couldn't get into the building without having my new roommate let me in, so I had to wake him up even though it was his finals week.  So much for a good first impression.  He was cool about it though and Tom and I settled in and went to bed quickly.  Tomorrow would be a good day for unpacking.

All smiles despite the extremely long final drive to LA
I was kinda too exhausted and frustrated from all of the day's traffic to let the whole thing soak in that the road trip was over and I had finally arrived in my new home of Los Angeles.  In hinesight from these past few days, it still feels like I'm on the road trip even in LA, because we've done a decent amount of touristy stuff.  It'll probably feel a little more official after Tom departs and I have to actually focus completely on school next week.  But either way, it was a great road trip.  The Civic survived 4,700+ miles on the road and I got a great mix of fun cities and amazing sites along the way.

Maybe I'll throw a bigger road trip recap post next week, but I just wanted to get these in before I head on my Pre-Orientation trip this weekend.

Total miles today: 335
Total miles for the trip: 4,705
States traveled through: 15

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