Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 11: Eric and Allen Do Wyoming

Devil's Tower (and, of course, more bikers)
Friday, August 13

We managed to get a few hours of sleep before getting up at 9 to head toward our one Wyoming destination, Devil’s Tower National Monument.  It was a short 25 minute drive away, and for much of that drive we could see the tower in the distance.  We got some knowledge in the Visitor Center, and then walked the Tower Trail, a pretty easy going 1.3 mile trail around the base of the tower which featured a number of picturesque views.  The weather this morning in the mid 70s also made it a great day for a walk. 
After we had our fill we headed back to the car to begin our longest stretch of driving since Day 1.  The GPS approximated it at 7 hours and  over 400 miles to get to Denver.  We made our first stop around 1 pm in the little town of New Castle for gas and food, which ended up being a good decision because we saw a sign after we left that the next services stop wasn’t for another 85 miles.  We had passed by tons of Taco Johns in the Midwest over the past week and decided that it was time to eat there.  I had a pretty tasty Beef and Potatoes Burrito and Potato O’Lays, although the food probably wasn’t all that different than a Taco Bell.

We hit a little traffic near Denver, but made good time overall and got to the hotel around 7:15.  After checking in, we went to a sushi restaurant that Allen had been to once before when in Denver for work back in January.  It was very tasty.

Miles traveled today: 460
Miles traveled total:  2,947
States traveled: 11

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