Thursday, December 9, 2010

Done with Finals!

Section A Post-Finals Rooftop Celebration (gotta love that LA December weather)
I just got out of my last final a little while ago, putting an unofficial close to my first quarter at UCLA Anderson.  I'm not overly optimistic about my grades on the 3 exams this week, but the classes are all curved so hopefully it's alright.  Nothing I can do about it now, so might as well go out and celebrate.  Since Anderson canceled the post-finals mimosas for today (I think some electives still have finals left, so they didn't think it was appropriate) one of the girls in my class offered up her apartment's rooftop to host an afternoon section party.  Other sections are having similar events planned at bars in the area, so depending on our energy levels, we may meet up with other people out on the town later this afternoon/evening.

Another rooftop party picture
It's definitely a relief knowing my class responsibilities are done for the quarter, although unfortunately that doesn't mean I can shutdown on MBA-related activities for the next 3+ weeks. I have to write up stock analysis/recommendations for two assigned stock as part of my application to Anderson's Student Investment Fund, which is due on Wednesday.  There are also 3 summer internship applications due in the next week that I need to put together cover letters and applications for (and I think possibly a couple more due before winter quarter starts).  Additionally, there is a decent amount of follow-ups and logistical issues that need to be worked out for the Career Night I'm helping plan in early January.  And finally, I also should probably prep for interviews which (if I get interviewed for those internships I'm applying for) would take place in early to mid January.  But most importantly, of course, I have a ton of activities planned with friends and family in the DC and NY areas during that time too.  But otherwise, it's going to be a low-key vacation.

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