Friday, November 26, 2010

A Non-Traditional Thanksgiving

Watching some football after our Thanksgiving dinner
Ever since I first went to college nine years ago, Thanksgiving has probably been my favorite holiday.  Whether I was in school or in the working world, that holiday weekend was typically the first time I would head back to NY after the summer and get to see my family and high school friends.  Good people, delicious food, and just the right amount of football is a pretty winning combination in my book.  So naturally after realizing that flights back east would be too expensive this weekend, I was a little sad that this would be the first Thanksgiving that I wouldn't spend in NY.

Since a lot of students aren't able to travel to see their family this weekend or are international students who have never experienced the holiday before, our section tried to match people up with local students to ensure that no one spent the day alone.  I didn't sign up for one of these matchups though since the act of returning to see friends and family in NY was what I enjoyed most about the holiday, so I wasn't interested in forcing some sort of Thanksgiving dinner with a random classmate's family just to say that I did something.  However, it turned out a few of my friends in the class didn't have plans either, so we made some tentative plans to celebrate together.

At least we used ground turkey in the tacos
It didn't get finalized until late this morning, but we managed to get enough people together to play some football.  6 of us (4 Anderson students, 1 roommate, and 1 Sig-O) started playing in Westwood Park around 1 and went for about an hour and a half before the first person had to leave for their Thanksgiving plans.  We played a little bit longer after he left before deciding to start moving on our own Thanksgiving plans.  Since we hadn't done any grocery shopping yet, we headed to the store to buy some food.  Realizing that we couldn't actually buy a whole turkey because of the time it would take to cook, we had to get a little creative.  We threw around a few ideas of meats to cook up but once we saw the ground turkey taco meat, we knew it was meant to be.  To help promote diversity on this American holiday, we picked up a few more taco ingredients, some mashed potatoes and gravy, Mexican beer, and some Canadian pumpkin pie.  We all came back to my apartment, cooked up some food, scarfed down our American-Mexican-Canadian feast, and then watched some football before calling it a night.  It was certainly the least traditional Thanksgiving I've ever had, but I'm glad I had some people to spend it with it and had a good time.

Too much turkey and football means its sleepy time
And I think its a law that you can't make a blog post on Thanksgiving without mentioning something that you're thankful for.  Skipping over some of the lifelong ones (family, friends, health, etc) and some of the obvious ones from the last year (getting into good schools, a safe 4,500 mile road trip, etc) I think I'll go with that I'm really thankful of how small my problems really are.  There is so much stuff going on in business school that stresses us out (and I probably allow some things to stress me more than I should), and so much pressure is put on us, but in the grand scheme of things most of these aren't really all that important.  For example, a week ago my single biggest worry was that I had to give my presentation for my Communications class.  Most people don't like oral presentations, but if my biggest problem at the time was that I had to stand up in front of 20 classmates and talk about college football for five minutes, I think things in my life are going pretty well.

Anyways, I'm still full, sore, and tired, so off to bed for me.  Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

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