Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Return of the Blog

I said in the previous post that I had heard that "once business school starts it's a complete whirlwind," and the fact that it took me a month and a half to make this next post I guess that proves that correct.  

I really only advertised this to friends/family as a road trip blog, so with that in mind, and especially with the time elapsed since the last post, I would imagine that my audience has completely disappeared.  But that's alright, because as I said in my very first post back in July, I wanted to start this blog mostly for myself to chronicle the significant changes in lifestyle from my life as an east coast 9-5er to a west coast grad student.  My goal is to keep up the writing so I have something resembling more of a complete work to look back on years from now.  I know I'm going to continue to be super busy with schoolwork and other obligations, so if that means only adding a post a couple times a quarter, so be it.  It might lose some of its effectiveness because the posting won't be immediately after the actual events, but I still think that's better than nothing.

I think that's enough of a service announcement.  I have a month and a half of recapping to do!

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