Saturday, July 17, 2010

Trying Out This "Blogging" Thing

Damaging yet another U-Haul truck during my temporary move from the Ballston apartment to Dan's new condo

So I’ve decided to start this blog to detail one of the more significant moves in my life thus far, the transition from living and working in Arlington, VA to moving and becoming a grad student in Los Angeles, CA. I’m writing this mostly for myself, as a way to document my activities and thoughts surrounding this period in my life, and to chronicle the three week cross country road trip that I have planned to get to LA. If anyone else finds it interesting or a way of keeping tabs on my trip, then that’s always an added bonus. I’ve never blogged before, so I’m not sure how much I’ll like it and how much I’ll keep up with it, but I at least hope to keep it up until school starts. If I’m enjoying the process and find the time to keep it going as orientation and classes start up, then I’ll try to keep it up in the fall too.

Mets-Os game with Brad
Actually I really wish I had started this up earlier because the past few months have been a whirlwind of activity, a lot of which has been directly related to my upcoming move and trip. I’ve known for several months now that I’d be leaving the DC area (my home of almost 9 years) at some point over the summer, and that has definitely motivated me to see as many people and stay as busy as possible before I left.

Since I returned from a weekend in NY for Mother’s Day, this is the first weekend where I really haven’t had any recreational activities planned, partially because I still have to put the finishing touches on my move out of Arlington. In that time I’ve moved apartments within Arlington, sold all of my furniture, attended a soccer game in Philly, met up with future classmates who live in DC, caught up with extended family and past co-workers at some Mets-Nats baseball games, went camping in West Virginia, attended my final company picnic, went offshore fishing, attended a bachelor party and multiple bbqs, and was a groomsman in Jon and Jackie’s wedding. The majority of my free time in between these activities was spent taking care of pre-MBA issues (housing, financial aid, getting a laptop, etc) and planning my upcoming trips to Punta Cana and LA. 

Arlington, VA
Fortunately I was able to nab one of the few available spots in a furnished apartment in graduate housing for the coming semester, so housing has been less stressful than for many of my other future classmates, but there still has been a ton to think about and plan to get ready for school.

Anyway, I think I'm just going to add one more post to reflect on my time at Cambridge, but the next one after that won't be at least a week until I get back from Punta Cana. This blogging stuff is tough, I already need a vacation. 

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