Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Summer of Eric Continues

The first of two surfboards I've bought this summer
I'm currently over two months removed from finals, and seven weeks into my internship.  The time has been flying by and overall the summer has really enjoyable.

I've been pleased with the internship experience thus far.  For whatever reason 8 am classes were unbearable, but I've quickly adjusted to arriving at the office at 7 am everyday and have actually embraced the schedule because I am usually back on the road by 4 pm.  (This is in sharp contrast to many other MBA interns, particularly those in investment banking that routinely work 120 hour weeks.)  I like the portfolio manager (Mark) that I'm working with, as he's a genuinely good guy who really wants to teach and see me succeed.  I've definitely learned a lot so far between talking to Mark, overhearing him interact with analysts and clients, and from all the reading and research I'm doing every day.  His style is a little different than the more traditional investment managers, so not everything will be transferable when I start doing full-time recruiting, but I know I'll be in a much better place than I was a few months ago.

My new office building in Santa Monica.  Not too shabby.
I think the one negative aspect of the job is that I don't feel like there I'm not really creating much output and its tough to tell how I'm doing.  Mark will casually mention stocks he's interested in, I'll research them, compile notes and data and pass it along.  But two days later he may no longer be interested in that stock, so I'll be looking into a few different ones.  This keeps the work varied, but makes it tougher to become as knowledgeable in any particular area or company.  He always says I'm doing a good job, but knowing what actual impact I'm making is hard to tell.  I guess I'm just used to a more structured work environment at Cambridge where I created specific products and had an easier time evaluating my work.  Overall, it still has been a very positive experience so far, and Mark has asked me to stay on after classes start up in the fall and work part-time, which I plan on doing.

Outside of the work hours, I've managed to stay busy, but in a totally different way from the school year.  This has been the most stress-free I've felt in a really long time, and I've been filling the past few weeks with a bunch of fun activities.  Because of the favorable work schedule, I've been able to fit a regular exercise regiment in right after work, which still gets me home in time for dinner, just as my other classmates are getting off from their jobs.

Some of the summer highlights so far:

- Skydiving weekend: As part of my buddy's 30th birthday celebration, a bunch of us rented a cabin  in the mountains at Big Bear Lake (2 hrs east of LA).  The cabin was nice with a hot tub, pool table, grills, outdoor patio, and large living and sleeping arrangements.  We also rented a boat on the lake one day.  But the highlight was my first ever skydiving experience.  It was something that has always been on "my list" so I couldn't pass up the opportunity, and it was the nerve-wracking, awesome experience I was hoping for.  Here's the video: Skydive Video

Hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa in Pennsylvania
- 4th of July Weekend:  Went back to the east coast for an extended weekend to celebrate Lindsay's wedding, which was quite lovely.  The weekend served as a nice family reunion, highlighted by a very exciting surprise appearance by Grandma and Grandpa.  While in NY I got to see some of the old crew, eat some authentic NY pizza, go pitch and putting, hit up the LI nightlife, and attend a 4th of July BBQ.

- San Diego weekend: Last week Evan received the honor of being the first person to come out and visit me since I've settled in LA.  It was a pretty jammed packed few days as we made appearances at several local eateries, the San Diego zoo, Mission Brewery, a San Diego Padres game, hiking trails around Griffith Park, and the LA Rising concert (Rise Against, Muse, and Rage Against the Machine).  Good times.  Rock on. 

- Surfing:  I decided to make this my new hobby for the summer after attending a lesson by UCLA Recreation around a month ago.  I currently have purchased two surfboards on Craigslist (one was the wrong size, so I'm trying to resell it now), a wetsuit and various other accessories.  I've gone out twice since then, and am trying to make it at least a weekly routine the rest of the way.
Showing some Mets pride in Dodgers Stadium

- New Apartment: Nothing exciting to report except that it's a lot more spacious than my old one and has a balcony.  I'm subleasing it from a friend over the summer while he's on the east coast, so I need to find a new place for the fall quarter in the next month or so.

- Other fun events: MBA Entertainment Mixer; brunch parties; the Getty; lots of movies; free passes to Paramount lot to see Captain America premiere and tour of the sets; Mets-Dodgers game; dined at several new LA restaurants.

There are still another six weeks until fall classes start up, so I'm hoping the positive momentum from the summer continues until then.